Food Pantry flyer

First, we would like to publicly thank the anonymous summer resident who so kindly dropped off a large quantity of food at the Readfield Town Office for the food pantry. Your help is greatly appreciated and has been put to good use. We would like to ask all our summer residents to think about doing a “copycat” style of donation, especially this summer, as the need for help by families has increased by about 12% since school let out in early June. Our year-round residents from Readfield and the other towns in RSU #38 have been so generous over the past three and a half years with their monetary and food donations that have kept us going and enabled us to offer food assistance to residents of the towns in our district. Any donations dropped at the Town Office result in town office staff notifying a MAFP committee member for a speedy pickup. Monetary donations can also be dropped there or mailed to Superintendent of Schools RSU # 38 / MAFP, 45 Millard Harrison Drive, Readfield ME 04355.

Again the Readfield Masons have stepped up by donating their proceeds to the MAFP from their annual Heritage Days Breakfast that will occur from 7 am to 10 am at their hall located over the Readfield Post Office on August 12. Their generosity is very much appreciated and we hope you can go and enjoy a great pancake breakfast with real maple syrup brewed locally from Dead Stream Alpaca & Maple Farm! The breakfast is a great way to start off Heritage Days before you hit up the library book sale, history walk, the Union Meeting House and Vestry open house, and all the other great events put together by Dennis Price and the Heritage Days Committee. Enjoy the festivities and look for the MAFP Booth both at the pancake breakfast and at Readfield Beach from 12-4 for a kids' activity and raffle. The 50/50 raffle tickets will be $1 each or 6 tickets for $5. Those who buy $20 worth of tickets or more, will be automatically entered into an additional raffle for a $50 gift certificate to The Weathervane Restaurant in Readfield!  At the beach, the MAFP will also encourage children to submit drawings as possible covers for the food pantry's thank-you notes.

We look forward to seeing you on the 12th!