food pantry image

Greetings to all:

We have had a busy summer providing food to 15 - 20 families each week!!  Thanks to the generosity of our community members, we have been able to provide bread, meat, eggs, and vegetables, in addition to our shelf-stable goods.  Many thanks to The Mt. Vernon Food Pantry, The Augusta Food Bank, and the Winthrop Food Bank for supporting us with many of the foods listed above.  We also want to thank our Readfield Community Garden folks who have added fresh-picked veggies to our boxes each week this summer.

Our hours will change slightly this fall as students will be back to normal school hours.


Thursdays 3:30 - 4:30

If you are interested in donating there are many ways to help:

We appreciate donations of paper products, personal items, toiletries, and laundry products, in addition to all types of food donations.

Weekly we provide canned fruits and vegetables, breakfast foods, canned meats, dry goods, and prepared foods. 

Donations can be left in the box inside the middle school front doors.

Monetary donations are also very welcome as they help us provide meat and veggies to our families each week.  Here's how you can help:

On-Line:  You can make monetary donations by going to The Maranacook Education Foundation website at:

By Mail: Checks should be made out to RSU#38, with “food pantry” in the notation area.   Mail them to:

RSU #38 Central Office
45 Millard Harrison Dr.
Readfield, ME 04355

In-Person: Come on by the pantry during our hours: Thursdays 3:30 - 4:30 pm, or email: to set up a time to drop off food or a monetary donation. 

Our thanks to everyone who has supported us,

Mary Ellen