
Updated Letter as of 2:00 pm

November 3, 2021

Dear Staff, Students, and Families,

This letter is to inform you of several developing covid-19 health concerns within our school community.  Please read this letter in its entirety. As of the writing of this letter the following has occurred: 1 positive staff member at Readfield Elementary School, 1 positive staff  member at Manchester Elementary School, 1 positive staff member at Mount Vernon Elementary, 1 positive student at Maranacook High School and 2 positive students at Maranacook Middle School.  Contact tracing is ongoing and is expected to be completed by the end of the day due to the nature of so many cases I felt it important to get this information out now.

We are at a point where school staffing is becoming a major issue in several buildings.  At this point due to a staff shortage we have made the difficult decision to move Readfield Elementary School and Maranacook Middle School to remote learning status for the remainder of this week.  We will continue to monitor staffing and make a decision on Friday on how best to proceed going into next week.

  • Maranacook Middle School will be remote all of the remainder of the week Thursday, November 4 and Friday, November 5.

  • Readfield Elementary School will be remote all of the remainder of the week Thursday, November 4 and Friday, November 5.

  • Any student/families that need food service please reach out to Jen Hall, Food Service Director. She can be reached through email at:, work phone at (207) 685 - 4923 ext. 1085 or cell phone at (207) 242-0814. Individual arrangements will be made to best facilitate the families needs. Please reach out at your earliest convenience.

  • At this time all other schools will continue to run as scheduled.

We are asking all families to continue to use the Covid Screener (click to access) and to contact the school nurses should you fail the screener.  In this latest round of cases the primary symptoms have been headache, sore throat, cough and runny nose (congestion) - all symptoms that can be associated with a common cold.  With the spread of highly contagious variants it is VERY important to identify symptoms and seek guidance.  We want to keep all of our students and staff healthy and safe.  We urge everyone to err on the side of caution over the course of the next several months to help curb any future spread of COVID-19. Call a health care provider if symptoms start. It is important that you call a healthcare facility before you show up in person. Stay home if you are sick.

Questions can be directed to the principals or the school nurses by calling the schools directly. For general COVID-19 questions, dial 211 (or 1-866-811-5695). You can also text your ZIP code to 898-211 or email Call a health care provider for questions about your symptoms. More information can be found at or


James Charette

Superintendent of Schools