
December 13, 2021

Dear Staff, Students, and Families,

This letter is to update the status of  RSU #38 schools and contains other important information; please read in its entirety.  

Included here is covid information for the district through Friday, December10, 2021.

Pool Testing this coming week will include Manchester Elementary, Readfield Elementary, and both Maranacook Community Middle AND High Schools.   This brings our pooled testing schools to 4 out of 6. The remaining schools will come on board after the holiday break.  Please note there will be no pooled testing the partial week of December 20th in any schools.  We highly encourage participation in pooled testing regardless of vaccination status as part of the Maine SOP which allows students participating in pool testing to forgo community quarantine. This allows student athletes at all ages to continue to participate in extracurricular activities.

Monday afternoon we released our updated spectator procedures for both the middle and high school.  They can be found here.  Masking is required and we ask that anyone displaying symptoms consistent with Covid-19 not attend the function.  Please note the schools will not be contact tracing spectators in the stands nor providing public notice if a positive case is identified in the stands.  Spectators are entering at their own risk.

Finally, it is very important that if your children are experiencing any sickness that they stay home.  Contact your school nurse who can arrange car side testing.  Stay safe and healthy!


James Charette

Superintendent of Schools