
January 11, 2022

Dear Staff, Students, and Families,

This letter is to update covid case information from Thursday 12/23 thru Monday, January 10th.  

Please note that at this point in time we will not be reporting close contacts but if your student is identified as a close contact you will be notified.  

As we have asked in the past, it is vitally important that you communicate with the school nurse around symptoms, testing, and exposure to positive cases (in and outside of school).  Your assistance is needed moving forward to continue to keep our schools open to in person learning.  

One final update around busing.  We have entered the extreme cold months of January and February.  School buses will be closing windows if temperatures are below 10 degrees.  With temps below 10 degrees and windows open the bus simply can not warm up the cabin to feel any heat as a passenger.  We are making  this change immediately during the extreme cold of the next few months but will return to open windows when the temperatures begin to climb in mid to late March.   Thank you for your understanding.


Jay Charette

Superintendent of Schools